UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines VOICEBOX is our weekly contribution corner. Angsts and assholisms of every sort are welcome. Write to us, write for us. We reserve the right to edit for grammatical clarity and brevity. |
Fast Forward Gonar Musor While everybody's celebrating and starting to welcome 1998 on New Year's eve, Muslims all over the world are celebrating a different occasion. They are welcoming the start of the holy month of Ramadhan. Ramadhan which started on December 31 and ends January 28, is not just any other month for Muslims. This signifies the start of a month long sacrifice for them. When I say sacrifice, this means abstaining from food and water for almost 13 hours. So you can imagine what a great sacrifice this is for all of us. And we're supposed to get on with our usual daily activities, with no food and water from sunrise until sundown.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Coņo
I have a violent aversion for the coņo. Whenever I pass the AS Lobby, I all of a sudden feel this urgent need to spit. I cannot bear the sight of all those who litter around the expansive hall, wrapped in their signature shirts, showered with the oils of extravagant perfumes, and talking about the finer points of shopping in Hong Kong in that incorrigibly irritating language. But my views would change radically from plain disgust to a kind of unbridled desire to destroy my peeve by becoming like them. |
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